Supporting Licensing Firms Through Sagacious IP Expertise

A Europe-based patent licensing firm contacted us with regards to a crucial project. The said firm is a famous patent aggregator that is headquartered in London, UK. They primarily specialize in helping individuals and companies monetize their patents through licensing.

Before we get started onto the project details, let’s discuss licensing. The easiest way to proceed in licensing is by detecting the infringements for the patents involved. Doing so gives the firm an edge as even when the accused infringer denies taking license of the patents, there is always an option to consider litigation.

The Project of the Licensing Firms

The said firm was looking for a partner who could work on a success-based model and deliver a high-quality report that included infringing charts. This was necessary prior to making a successful licensing deal.

The Challenges

Sagacious IP took on this project that involved detailed licensing work. Let us look at the challenges faced by applying licensing expertise in order to deliver the desired results:

  1. The firm had disparate technology-based patent portfolios. The real challenge involved deep diving into the patent portfolio and identify the deal driving patents whose licensing will be a requisite for the infringing companies.
  2. The remuneration offered by the client was a percentage share. And the condition was that the percentage share was applicable only on the successful deals. Which means there would not be any remuneration in case the deal doesn’t finalize. It was thus critical to ensure productive results else the efforts would be futile.
  3. Pursuing a licensing/litigation portfolio is a time-consuming task. Hence, it was evident that the overall time to get paid off in a project of this mammoth proportion was significantly higher.

The Solutions we offer to Licensing Firms

Sagacious IP believes in delivering results that really matter. And as assured, we delivered timely and judicious results to the client. Confident of our licensing capabilities, we chose to take on this project with strategic planning:

  • First, we formed an internal team that was able to quickly screen through the given patents.
  • Next, we shortlisted the patents that were worthy of further detailed analysis.
  • Based on the client’s approval on the quickly shortlisted patents, the team went ahead with the detailed analysis identifying as many targets as possible followed by the claim charts preparation.
  • The claim charts contained market information about the infringed products and companies in the form of charts, graphs, etc. This sort of report was client-ready with updated market data and proof of portfolio technology usage by the infringing products. Thus, allowing the client to directly use the report without any further modification.

Licensing Firms : The Impact

Within 4 months of engagement, Sagacious IP had screened 15 portfolios with an average of 10 patents in each portfolio. Sagacious IP was able to successfully convert nearly five portfolios that yielded nearly 60+ claim charts. The client was able to successfully pursue the portfolios ahead for licensing and some of them even got into litigations. Also, the client appreciated the quick-screen portfolio model and the ability to make a quick decision based on the analysis.

The ability to screen patent portfolios and identify key drivers is crucial to remain competitive. If you think your company could benefit from in-depth licensing expertise, we’d love to offer our solutions.

Sagacious IP offers customised solutions to meet your individual needs. Based on our long standing expertise, we strategically address your business challenges and then propose novel solutions. Our consulting approach rather than a report-only tactic drives actionable results for businesses to adapt and grow.

– Dhananjay Das [ICT Sales (IP Strategy and Solutions)], Sandeep Kumar (ICT Licensing) and The Editorial Team

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