Sagacious IP

GREEN100® Index 2024

Identifying and recognizing Quality Patents in Climate Change Mitigation Technologies

A Closer Look at The World's Leading 100 Organizations Innovating for a Green Future by Driving the Green Technology Space.

The GREEN100® Index, now in its third edition, goes beyond simply counting the number of patents filed, placing significant emphasis on the quality of those patents. The index is created using the proprietary Sagacious Patent Portfolio Quality Mix (SPPQM) to identify organizations making a genuine impact for a sustainable future.

Key-Takeaways from this report
Top 100 Corporates

A list of leading companies in the Green-Tech sector.

Top 100 Institutions

A list of universities, non-profits, R&D organizations, and government agencies active in Green-Tech.

Impact of High-Quality Patents

Insights into the real-world impact of high-quality patents in Green-Tech.

Green Champions

Recognition of organizations with patent portfolios that are 90% green, even if they are not in the top 100.

The Green Revolution

An overview of the industries with substantial growth in Green-Tech patent applications.

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