Sagacious IP

Patent Information Searching / Patentability Searches
Patentability Searches

Sagacious IP’s Patentability Search service is designed with a single goal in mind – to give you the pertinent prior art, cost effectively and at the right time.

The Sagacious Way
Navigating The Patent Application Process

At Sagacious IP, we assist global companies, MSMEs and Innovators planning to protect their inventions/innovations. Patentability searches help in verifying the novelty of these inventions and fetch optimal patentable subject matter. These searches are a crucial step that helps our clients decide whether to invest in a new patent application.

Sagacious in numbers
Years of Service
15 +
Techno-Legal professionals
500 +
Customers served
5000 +
Countries' coverage
100 +
New! Meet LivePat™
Our Advanced AI Do-it-yourself Patentability Search Tool
You can start the search with an invention disclosure or just a paragraph — no search strings or Boolean logic. You can further input relevant IPC/CPC classes to make the search even more focused. Go through the demo to know how easy to use the platform is.
Sagacious Differentiators
Why Choose Sagacious for Patentability Searches?
The Sagacious Way
Why Patentability Search?
Can a patent be filed?
Most optimal patent claims!
Speed up Prosecution
Enhance inventions/ design
Reduce Overall Costs & Time
Impact Stories
Impact Stories
What Clients Say
Frequently Asked Questions
We conduct 5,000+ searches every year.
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