How to do a Chemical Structure Search in WIPO Database

How to do a Chemical Structure Search in WIPO Database : WIPO is one of those organizations that offer plenty of scopes, opportunities, and tools for patent search professionals to gain valuable insights about their inventions and discoveries. Being an organization of international reputation it is trusted and used by patent professionals across the world.

A new chemical structure searching tool on WIPO’s Patentscope database went live on 3rd October 2016, providing an open access opportunity for searching through PCT applications. This tool is generally used to search precise chemical structures or structural scaffolds of a chemical compound.

And the best part about this tool is that it is free and to access this tool all you need to have is a free account for Patentscope.

This article is all about understanding how to do a chemical structure search in WIPO Patent search database. If used prudently it can offer plenty of insights about a molecule or compound, however, we need to acknowledge the fact is that since the tool relies mainly on Optical character recognition (OCR) technology, there is no guarantee that the search will identify all relevant PCT applications. Thus a free structure search should be accompanied by a professional chemical structure search performed in paid chemical search databases by patent search experts.

Now let’s get back to the main point which is how to do a chemical structure search in WIPO patent search database? The journey starts with having a free account in WIPO’s Patentscope database. So, signing up on WIPO is the first step in the process of Chemical Structure Search.

Step 1: Sign-Up for a Login Account

The first step in the whole process of doing a chemical structure search is to create a login account for the Patentscope database. Remember, if you are not logged-in, the “Chemical compounds” option will not appear on the dashboard.

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